Equal L-Cal Sweetnr

Original Equal taste. Visit us at equal.com and Facebook. Equal Recipes: www.equal.com. For this and other delicious drink recipes, go to www.equal.com/recipes. Questions about Equal? Call toll-free 1-800-323-5316, or write to Equal Consumer Affairs, Box 1280, South Bend, IN 46624-1280. Together we can stop diabetes. American Diabetes Association. Equal is proud to support the Stop Diabetes movement. Equal can be used in a wide variety of recipes. For best results when cooking and baking with Equal, use recipes designed for Equal or add to recipes after removing from heat to maintain sweetness. Equal may become less sweet in some prolonged heating applications. At Equal, we believe that enjoying life shouldn't make you feel guilty or make you compromise just to save calories. That's why Equal is a great choice for people who want to cut back on carbs and calories, and still enjoy the great sweet taste they crave. Sweet as 2 tsp. sugar. Suitable for individuals with diabetes. Facebook: facebook.com/equalsweetener. 100% recycled paperboard. Recyclable.